- Fitness Preparation – Due to the strenuous nature of the Trek, every participant should plan and prepare for its physical aspects by engaging in simple walking or any other fitness activity. Ideally, all Trek participants should be able to sustain 2-3 miles per hour walking.
- Health Concerns – People with significant health problems should not participate. Pregnant sisters shall not serve as Ma’s but may serve in other Staff positions.
- Disabilities – Individuals with physical disabilities are ENCOURAGED to participate.
- Prescription Medications – Necessary prescription medication shall be given to and carried by the Pa & Ma. Medications requiring refrigeration shall be turned in during registration at the start of the Trek.
- Medical Release Forms – All Trek participants – Youth, Ma’s/Pa’s and support staff shall complete a medical information/ release form. A copy of the medical form must be submitted with each registration application.
- Trail and Handcart Safety – Teamwork and cooperation are needed at all times on the trail. Pa’s & Ma’s should reinforce that there are hazards with every step, however with preparation and proper precautions this can be a very safe activity.
Watch for the following:
- Heat Cramps – Contact Staff for medical assistance. Cramps in legs, arms or stomach caused by heavy sweating and a chemical imbalance. Move the individual to a cool, shaded area, sit down and slowly drink cool water.
- Heat Exhaustion – Contact Staff for medical assistance. Caused by inadequate water replacement through sweating. The individual may have pale, moist, clammy skin and may demonstrate mild form of shock. Move to a cool, shaded area and loosen clothing. Elevate legs. Fan individual, but avoid chilling. Slowly drink at least one quart of water. The person should rest for a few hours.
- Heat Stroke – Contact Staff for medical assistance. A failure of the body’s cooling mechanism. The individual stops sweating, has hot and dry skin and shows symptoms of shock or becomes unconscious. Move to a cool area and immerse in water. If conscious, encourage slow drinking of water.
- Blisters – Prevention is the best medicine. Ensure family members keep their feet dry. A hot spot on a foot is a blister forming. Apply a Band-Aid or moleskin to prevent friction.
- Ticks – Tick checks should be conducted nightly. Remove by grasping the tick firmly with tweezers close to the skin, and then slowly twist the tick. The tick should let go rather than have its head twisted off.
- Minor cuts and scratches – Clean with soap or antiseptic pad, then dress wound as soon as possible.
See Medical Team Lead
Injury evacuations may be categorized in four levels:
- Non-Evac — Temporary movement to a comfortable area off the trail.
- Routine — Routine evacuation to the base camp.
- Minor — Normal evacuation to civilian medical facility.
- Major — Emergency evacuation to civilian medical facility.
For all routine, minor or major evacuations, a Trek doctor will oversee and record treatment for all injuries or illnesses. Evacuations to a hospital will be coordinated through the Trek doctor. Coordination with local authorities will be via cell phone from the base camp using the emergency communications plan.
The ultimate concern on the trail must be safety of all family members. A 320-pound loaded and moving handcart poses an awesome weapon. Families need to be instructed to remain in columns on the trail and at a safe stopping distance from the family ahead. The trails are unimproved with some worse than others. Everyone needs to be watching ahead and take care of where they step – especially those at the lead and pulling the handcart. Hands, arms, legs, clothing and handcart tarps must be kept clear of the wheels. Keep a steady pace, try to keep from slowing down the company, but avoid running.
On the Trail
- Stay behind the priesthood leader/Trail Boss who is setting the pace.
- The pace is slow so that everyone can keep up.
- Every 20-25 minutes groups should stop for a short water break, allowing time for everyone to drink.
- Leaders should have emergency action plans and these plans should be reviewed with everyone before starting the trek, for conditions like lightning or injury on the trail.
- Occasionally a halt may be called for a presentation in your family or company.
- Stay on the trails or in approved areas.
- Leaders and youth should be environmentally aware and astute. Be mindful of historic preservation and sensitive to the historical landscape.
- Watch for animals and wildlife along the trail or in the campgrounds and don’t bother them.
- Leave no trace, and help pick up the traces left by others. It helps to have a small garbage bag on the handcart.
- No bicycles, horses, dogs or pets, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, ATVs, boom boxes, tape players, or CD/MP3 players on trek.
- Fasting should not be incorporated as part of the treks, as the activities are physically demanding and the lack of food, under such circumstances, would be unwise.
- The wearing of white clothing to represent the deceased, those behind the veil, and other such representations are not to be included as part of the treks. Please assure that all who will participate will understand this instruction.
Handcart Safety Rules
- Treat handcarts with care; pull or push them by hand. Do not pull handcarts behind vehicles.
- Try to balance your load.
- Do not run with the handcart–Trekkers can easily trip and get run over by the wheels.
- When stopping the handcart, slowly lower the yoke until it rests on the ground. Never drop the yoke, always set it onto the ground gently.
- Do not sit or stand on the yoke when it is resting on the ground.
- Stay away from the wheels. Some clothing, especially dresses, can get caught in the wheels.
- Handcarts should not be overloaded. They are designed to hold the gear for only 10 people, including clothing, sleeping bags, tarps, cooking equipment, and water. The total weight should not be over 400 pounds.
- No one should ride on the cart when it is fully loaded.
- Turn handcarts backwards when going down steep slopes to prevent someone from being run over.
- When stopping on a hill, place a rock or some other object behind the wheels so that the handcart does not roll backwards.
- You will be expected to help pay for damaged handcarts if you neglect to follow the rules, or use the handcarts carelessly.
We will hold the Trek come rain or shine. It is very important that each youth come prepared with rain gear. The Staff will track any dangerous storm activity using modern technology and implement contingency plans as necessary. When necessary, make sure that the handcarts are covered with a tarp or plastic to keep the contents as dry as possible.
For further information on Trek safety please refer to the Trek Handbook (pp. 17-25).