We ask that each family get together for an activity and decide on a family motto or theme for their TREK. It can go along with our stake TREK theme or be something completely different. Council together as a family about traits, characteristics, principles, that you hope as a family you can display on TREK. Here are a few phrases we have seen: “Obedience brings blessings,” “Faith in every footstep,” “We can do hard things,” “With God all things are possible,” “Press forward,” “Put your shoulder to the wheel,” or “Believe.” Feel free to use scriptures to go along with your family motto! Once you have your motto decided decorate the flag with this motto. You can use fabric paints, other fabric cut out and glued on, or fabric markers. This is not a contest to see who has the prettiest flag, let the youth design and make it! Please have your motto be something that relates to TREK, or a gospel principle.
Wards will be responsible for picking up PVC or a pole for each flag. We suggest drilling a hole in the pole and using a zip tie or whatever you can find to secure the flag. It is very windy in Wyoming and this will keep your flag from flying away. We also suggest sewing a sleeve to slip the flag over the PVC.