On June 26th, 2024 we’ll set out on a spiritual and physical adventure on the Mormon trail in Wyoming. We’ll experience a little bit what the pioneers had to go through to reach the Salt Lake Valley. We’ll trek on hallowed ground pulling handcarts to Martin’s Cove, Sixth Crossing, and traveling through the Sweetwater River. We will climb on Independence Rock and visit Rock Creek Hollow, just to name a few of the sites we’ll visit. Please review the content on this website and start preparing now spiritually and physically.
Though hard to you this journey may appear, All is well!
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Why Trek?
Going on Trek gives us the chance to experience to a small degree the faith and determination of the early Pioneers who crossed the plains almost 200 years ago.
Together as we honor the memories of those Saints who cross the plains we will: strengthen testimonies, build unity, learn gospel principles, and gather Israel.
Trek Quotes
"I pay tribute to [the Pioneers'] faithful deeds, their noble lives, and their lasting lessons of faith in God, courage, industry, self-reliance, and integrity. We stand today as beneficiaries of their priceless heritage to us, a heritage based on the truth that righteousness brings forth the blessings of God."

Ezra Taft Benson
"With the complex issues facing our families and our friends, our citizens, our state, our neighbors, our nation, the world, may we remember pioneers of an earlier day who persevered against injustice, misunderstanding, some intolerance, occasional bigotry, occasional racism, against differences of custom and traditions and faith, who labored against all of that to carve out for us, their descendants, the wonderful day and the marvelous miraculous time in which we live. We owe the same pioneering, persevering legacy to our children and our children's children."

Jeffrey R. Holland
"The pioneers of the present, meaning you and me, also press forward in faith."

Carol F. McConkie
"I doubt that many of those who set foot on that journey really understood what they were getting into or that they looked forward to the daily effort it eventually required. But they did know it was going to be hard and that there was a possibility they or someone they loved would not finish the journey. And yet they came. By the tens of thousands they came. And we—the Church, the nation, and even the world—are richer because they came."

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Do you, like the pioneers, have the courage and the consistency to be true to the faith and endure to the end?"

Dallin H Oaks
"Prompted by the silent whisperings of the Spirit, sustained by a simple yet abiding faith, those pioneer Saints trusted in God."

Thomas S. Monson
"With our abundant blessings today, my heart is filled with love and admiration for such noble and courageous forefathers."

M. Russell Ballard
"With so great an inheritance, we can do no less than our very best. Those who have gone before expect this of us."

Gordon B. Hinckley